Thursday, 28 February 2013

Content page photo planning sheet

Photo-shoot planning sheet
Content page photos

Photo-shoot concept:
Photos will need to be taken so it will represent people that are R&B and POP fans who are really entitled with music (instruments may be represented). The person on the cover will need to be in the same age group that my target audience.  As the target audience likes to relate their selves to people represented in media.

From this shoot I want to persuade readers to buy this magazine. I want people to look at the model represented on this photo and wanting to be the same. I will try to get people attraction and clear message about this magazine and what this magazine represents.  I want this picture to stand out.

Date and timing:
These pictures will be taken during day time and that light will make the pictures look natural, I’m planning to take those photos between 28th February and 4th March. The date for pictures that will be taken on white, black or red background will be booked between the 5th January and 15th January.

The picture for front cover will be taken at school so I could use background the pictures will also be taken on the bench/chairs as this will be unique.  I will also take photos on white, black and red background to see which will look better and then I will choose one picture.

The costume that will be required will have to suitable and similar to the fashion that the target audience ware. The main character will have to ware dark colours but at the same time it will have to stand out: Leather jacket, blue shirt, leggings and pair of black hills, animal print mainly dark colours.

The model will have to be female in the age between 16years old and 24 years old, so it is representing the target audience age and will bring their attention. The model will have to glamour make up and represent music.

Photographer, artist make-up, hair stylist and fashion adviser. Those people will work with the model to make sure this will look professional. 

Equipment & Preparation:
I will need to have camera and spare batteries as well as memory card. Make –up and hair equipment’s as well as prepare cloths with the fashion stylist. I will have to book an appointment with those specialists and as what also I will need to prepare. I will also book an appointment with Mr Martin who is in charge of borrowing white and black background to take photo shoots.

Desired Shots (Draw sketches):
I could have extra lights so the background will be much lighter as the model will be represented mainly in darker colours.  The shoots will be taken as mid shots or long shoots. I will prepare the model in different positions to see what I would like the shoot to look like, and then I will take different photos.  I will also produce storyboard representing different shoots and ideas to visual my ideas.

Reference images:
I will print images and sit with the model and all advisers and we will discuss each picture we will decide which one we all agree to use. I will also produce mood board to see which picture will suit the target audience

Picture that inspire me:

In this photo I like the close up which represent the model, there is contrast between white background and the wearing of the model and her dark hair.

This picture is very different to others it is reflected with gold on grey background. I would like my model to stand out on a picture. This shows the celebrity said and brings the audience attention.

This picture is very clear on white background shows emotions.
The cloths match together creating reflection as the face of the mode stands out and this is what the reader is concentrating on.

Interview- Reader Lifestyle

I have looked at readers profiles of other magazines. I have decided to produce an interview with similar target audience to “seventeen” magazine. I have decided to choose s female as this is the target audience I want to have on my magazine. I have recorded this interview and before I have placed this I have created a list of questions that I needed to ask.  I think it was important for me to have some feedbacks from my potential target audience to see what their interest is and what I should place on to my magazine.
This will helps me not only on creating front cover or giving my ideas of what I should place on my pictures but on content page what I should include , so that every  detail on my magazine is reasonable and links to the target audience.

Here is a copy of the questioners I have produced.

From this interview I can see that my potential target audience are at low income and they can not spend too much money for magazine as they can no afford it , so I think £1.00 is a reasonable price for this type of magazine and could also bring an profit for printing magazine company. 
My potential target audiences are still at education and are not too interested in weight loosing or healthy life style. They are fully active and loving spend time with their friends. My target audience is also interested in beauty. They are aslo female so they are really interested in jewelery and nair art.They spend lots of their time learning. They are welling to buy a magazine that is going to be interested and fell of different exclusive pictures. The are following fashion and love listening to music , so my idea s to place I-tunes vouchers as my potential audiences love music and can not afford it, this could help them and persuade to buy this magazine to get some offers or vouchers.Parting is a part of their weekends so this magazine could include bar with newest music (POP or R&B) as this is the music promoted by my magazine. My magazine will have to have big titles and less writing. It will have to be colourful. Titles will have to be eye - catchy and I will have to used clear titles with a bit of slang/rhythm as this is the sort of language that my target audience are using in their everyday life. This magazine have to relate to them. 

Friday, 1 February 2013

Researching content pages in magazines.

Today I have researched different magazine content page in order to get some ideas of what I could use on my content page. Through the research I could see that it is important for the content page to much with the cover. The structure will have to be the same.

This is “Kerrang” magazine content page, which relate to my music magazine theme. I like how through the pictures I can see the target audience and main task of this magazine. The structure is quite simple and may not appear to my target audience which is girls in age between 16 and 24.   I like how the “content” is written in the same style as the magazine title and this is what I could use on my content page. The colours are connection links as black and yellow is constantly used.

I like this contents page as it is very simple. Big picture spread almost on all page with content features on right hand side. I like it as the model represented on picture is a musician which suits the music theme. I think I could use this as an example on my content page.

The background is very clear and the world “features” is written in pink which relates to the cover page.
I also like the description at the bottom of the picture as this is very unusual. 

Searching reader profiles in magazines.

I have researched seventeen magazine readers card that shows me information’s about the readers of this magazines. I can see that females are the main readers of this magazine. The main range of the age is 16 years old t o19 years old. The females are currently attending to school which shows their interest in education. I can also see that there is a large number of these females that are employed. Usually females in this age that are still at education work in manufacturing shops which can also show their fashion inspiration.

In here I have found that teen vogue has got almost 50 % less readers than seventeen magazine. , but the medium age of the readers is very similar that shows me the similar range of age and their interest. Looking at this I would like to build the same number of magazines sold.

Here is a VIBE magazine reader’s card profile I have chosen to research as the VIBRE magazine is music theme magazine. Female has got the larger percentage of readers, but only by 10%. The most common age is 18 years old to 34 years old. This isn’t what my aiming is. The readers are mainly still at education and larger percentage is employed which is similar to the seventeen magazine I have researched previously.
I have chosen to research this magazine as it has the same theme as the magazine I’m trying to build. The age range isn’t exactly the same as I have planned my target audience as mainly there are quite older readers.


This graph represents different magazines and the number of magazines they are selling over the year. The graph represents the largest company which is the News! magazine.