Saturday, 23 March 2013

Content Page

Here is a Content page I have created.

Changes I have made:
I have changed the title of the content page possition instead of placing it in the left hand side and adding headding underneath it as well as the name of th emagazine on the left hand side of the maagzine. The half of the page with the picutre of the model I have discribed by adding sub feature title which adds discription about this picutre and what deos it representes. Where I havent change the other half of the page as much but only by placing picutre in the right conner of the magazine.
I like this magazie as it hsows many different features and links with the cover page by the name and logo of the magazine I have placed. I have used different fonts colours and sizes to attract my target audience .
I hav aslso changed the background oclour so it adds more reflection and suit the main picture.

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