Thursday, 21 March 2013

Taking photos for Content Page

Today I have been taking photos for my content page; I have found it very difficult. It is not easy to take a good picture that can reflect all I need and want thorough the pictures. I really liked picture from one of my designs and I have tried to get very similar result. The picture I was looking for will have to represent music and also give the reader interested.

After I have taken these photos I have commented them with the model and we have chosen the picture we both really like. I also represented to the model the sort of content picture I want to have.

I like this picture as the model looks very concentrated on the camera. The face of the model is very smooth and her dark hair reflects the dark cloths she is wearing, which makes her stand out on the white background that looks very clean and I can reflect the model.

I like this photo as it looks nice and clean. The model is looking up which is a negative point where the reader have not got the awareness of the model looking at them and concentrating.

This picture is not the best quality, but I want to talk about the story of happy singer that is uploading her life story on her blog and shearing her ideas. I like this picture this is what I was aiming for which is a picture showing happiness and picture that is not made from professional camera.

This picture is very nice and clear it shows the message of the model being relaxed and confidence. I don’t like this background as what I wanted to get was a white background or the model will need to be cut out. I also like that this picture was taken from the low angle which will make the reader feel of the model represented more powerful.

 I like this picture it looks nice and the model looks relaxed. The picture was taken from low angle which is different and looks unique. This is not the picture I was looking for and I haven’t found it convincing. I don’t like the lighting.

Here is a list of different range of photos I have took.


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