Thursday, 15 November 2012

Feedbacks about the cover


In order to check if this magazine will be selling well I have printed the cover and produced the questionnaire to see what the St. Gregory’s students think of the cover. I think feedbacks are very important in order to get more ideas and see what possibly could be changed.

I have asked 10 random pupils. 5 girls and 5 boys, all those students were in different year. 8 out of 10 pupils have given me positive feedbacks, they said they like my cover and they agreed that the possible changes that could be made would be more interesting shocking stories. 2 pupils decided that they would buy this magazine.

Through these feedbacks I know that when I will be producing my music magazine cover I will have to use very interesting cover lines and research many magazines , not only music magazine covers but all different types of magazines to see what I think is  inspiring and what I could possibly use on my cover.

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