Thursday, 10 January 2013

Researching magazines

I have researched 3 different magazines in order to find the features I like about them and try to get some idea of what I want on my magazine and also spot what I like about each magazine. 2 of those magazines are music theme and one related to girls in age of 16 and 24 which is what my target audience is. 

 I think I will trying to make my magazine similar to this one as I like the feather of the cloths on a side as it grabs the audience attention and it is different to other magazine. I think if I wanted to put this in to my magazine my target audience which is girls between the age of 16 and 14 will be very interested in this as they like fashion. I will try to choose the cloths that will be similar to the R&B style which is classical and colourful cloths. This will help me as people will what to see what is in side there if I add the circus with low prices will make my target audience even more interesting as this will persuade them to have a look inside and also they will feel like their artist would ware it. These cloths will also be similar to the cloths that my model will represent on the cover. 

This magazine is a music magazine related especially to girls I like how the mast head goes will the main features and how it goes with the colour of the model hair. I like how the main features are also highlighted in boxes white and black. If the box is white the text is black where as white box includes black text, both boxes are slightly opposite which makes nice contrast on the cover. I like the white background as the models hair stand out which reflects her face. The box representing cloths is yellow which suit the text and plug. This really inspires me so I will try to link yellow colour on my magazine by having plugs or the features in the same colour. 

 In this music magazine I like how that mane of the artist go across the picture so this is what I will try to do in my magazine. I also like how the picture is shown in white background. I love the cloths that have been chosen as they will the POP theme. This will grab the girls attraction as girls like pink which have been used on title and the shiny dress that the women on the picture is wearing. There is a lot of pink and black which is linked with the cloths, eyes and hair colour of the model on the picture. The Mast Head is used more like a logo on a side of the magazine. 2 plugs are placed and they are in the same colour. 

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