Thursday, 10 January 2013

Researching the Sugar and Seventeen magazine

Researching the Sugar and Seventeen magazine 

The age level for the American magazine “Seventeen” is 13 to 17 years old girls, where the English magazine “Sugar” age level is 16-24 years old.

“Sugar” magazine title is over the picture. The font is very large and purple where the “Seventeen” magazine titles is cover by the models; the font is smaller and orange. “Seventeen” magazines is full of orange, white, and yellow colour, the “sugar” magazine contain purple, pink, blue, black and white colours. The pictures on both magazines are very different. There is two models on the Seventeen magazines are dresses up in very colourful clothes where the model on the Sugar magazine is dressed in classic black dress, suggesting that this magazine is for grown teenagers that like classic dresses.

On the “Seventeen” magazine cover there is a slogan used saying “Great body, Tons of $$, amazing clothes + mega confidence!” this shows me that this magazine is mainly for teenagers who ar4e going to Secondary school and care about their looks and shopping only. On the “Sugar” magazine I can see “14 must have celeb trends+ little black dress guide + accessories special” This shows me that this magazine is about fashion and love celebrities looks, so this magazine is more for girls who are going to sixth form or collages girls who like to compare their selves and looks to somebody wells known.

Both magazines uses different fronts and writing style, but the “Seventeen” magazine contain much more mixed styles and colours then “Sugar” magazine, which has less writing and the styles of writing are quite similar. The “Seventeen” magazine uses symbols $ which is used instead of dollar or money.

“Sugar” magazine contain pictures of “ring, handbag and other jewellery to show the best accessories deals that the reader can find inside the magazine. The “Seventeen” magazines have a star where I can see “coupons & freebies inside” this is trying to persuade the reader to buy this magazine as they will get many coupons with this magazine.

The “sugar” magazines expects the reader to be interested in reading their magazine, find fashion interesting, emotional, and love pretty looks and fell pretty , be confident about their looks. Also to be interested in their main stories those are put in to this magazine to grab the audience attention. The “Seventeen” magazines also expects their readers to buy their magazine but also to find pretty looks very important inspiring be sexual – loving their bodies. Both magazines have some similar expectations from their readers. The “Seventeen” magazines is trying to show the school fashion where the “Sugar” magazine shows a designers fashion that can be used at normal day life & work or higher education school.

In “Seventeen” magazine careers is given the same important as fashion and dating as both of this things are very important for teen girls. The “sugar2 magazine career and confidence is just as important as fashion because that is what the 16-24 years old girls think and care about.

Each magazine is trying the sell as many magazines as possible that’s what they are using shocking stories and advertise them on their cover page also they advertise what the reader can find inside and the best deals as special offers.
For me the “Sugar” magazine is the best I like fashion and beauty but career is very important to me this magazine helps me to look pretty and classic also teach me confidence which is very important in fashion, school and life.

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